If you have not heard of product diversion, you’re not alone and this may be a scary truth for you, so I am here to inform you.
What is Diversion:
The definition of diversion from Merriam-Webster is, “the act or an instance of diverting or straying from a course, activity, or use.” Applying this term to a hair products journey from when it comes off the factory line to when it ends up at its buyers home can imply a few different things. (source)
Where you may be buying diverted products:
The main thing to know is Diversion occurs when products are sold from “unauthorized” places, from places we’re all guilty of looking for deals at, such as Amazon, Target, Walgreen’s, to name a few. Purchasing products from such places means you are not guaranteed to get what you think you are actually buying. All it takes is a quick Google search to realize in a lot of cases the prices from these “unauthorized” sellers are in fact higher, because of the means they had to go about to get those hair products, because manufacturers and distributors are not selling to them. (source) (source)
The scary truth of product diversion:
The biggest issue with buying diverted product is there is no guarantee what’s in the bottle/container is what it should be. One of my favorite examples is when I fell for buying my favorite Gucci perfume from a clearly unlicensed dealer while in LA, the store was floor to ceiling every brand of perfume you’ve ever seen and heard of, and everything was about 2/3’s of the usual price. At first I thought I had really scored finding this product, but within a month of my purchase, I sprayed it on before a night out and it STUNK, like sour, bad garbage. Clearly it had been diluted down with some mystery ingredient, something to keep the smell the same for sale, but something that did not keep the smell stable for it to last.
I got your back:
Professional products ending up in the wrong hands before selling to you, the consumer, can end up being diluted down, expired, counterfeit, and not safe if it has been mixed with something that creates an unpredictable reaction, or worse yet has been contaminated which can lead to infection in the consumer. NO THANK YOU!
This is why I have created a product store within my business of doing hair available to purchase on site or from my website. I can get you the products you need, straight from the distributor, with as promised the correct product inside!
Mallory Cook – Authorized Retailer & Diversion Policy