Faction8 Permanent Hair Color by Pulp Riot at #MMCSTYLE
Up until about a year ago I was always a Redken hair color girl, it’s what I trained on and knew very well, which always gave me confidence. In November of 2018, I switched the salon I was working with. I left for a new opportunity to help setup and start a brand new hair salon and spa on Madison’s west side. Setting up a salon meant I had the opportunity to look into an entirely new hair care and hair color product set, different from what I was using. However, I also had the choice to stick to what I was comfortable with. This question I thought, was going to be a no brainer…(duh, Redken was my thing). Then, my Salon Centric Sales Representative suggested I try the new Pulp Riot permanent hair color line, Faction8 and told me about all the benefits. My Rep could tell my interest was peaked immediately.
I had been using Pulp Riots semi-permanent color lines and loving them, so it made sense to give their permanent hair color line, Faction 8 a shot. So, I did some research. From everything I learned about Pulp Riot, I was sold from the start. The owners story, how they came to be, the education they offer, the fact that the line is created by artists. Everything important to me was well thought out in this line. The research on Faction8 had me wanting to know more and lead me to make the switch.
Some benefits of Faction8 hair color
Faction8 is a permanent hair color line created by Pulp Riot with 80 total shades, inter-mixable for complete color customization control, and the ability to turn from permanent to demi-permanent with the right mixing ratio with the developers. The Faction8 line is super easy to keep track of what I have on hand and I love the many ways to mix and create any color my clients or I dream up.
With Faction8 hair color, there’s boosters to really add some punch to your reds and coppers or help to ash out even more of some of your colors you choose. Another nice feature of Faction8 permanent hair color, you can use these boosters alone as a straight pigment for strategies such as making a high lift red or red/violet or straight up putting some purple or blue over pre-lightened hair for a dramatic fashion color. Using color theory you may also get more tone added to a formula when trying to keep excess warm or cool unwanted tones out of your hair canvas.
The Faction8 permanent hair color line has five high-lift blonde colors that work on medium-dark brown hair to lighter hair (I’ve also had success with these on very dark hair) to lighten and tone natural hair color all at the same time, which is flipping amazing! Faction8 high lift colors can also be used to tone blondes beautifully when mixed with a lower developer in the ratio of 1:2 or even more developer to further dilute the formula. Consider the background tone while using the Pulp Riot Toners, these can make beautiful pastel colors of every hue and add a dab of a booster to even make it more that color.
Every color in the the Faction8 permanent hair color line does consist of quinoa to strengthen and moisturize the hair while we are coloring. Another nice treat is it doesn’t stink, AT ALL. You may think it far-fetched, but I dare you to try to say it stinks, because you may be lying if you say it does! Even more pleasing to me is Pulp Riot’s semi-permanents, actually smell good.
Pulp Riot High Speed Toners are made to work in a matter of minutes on damp hair that you are blonding, guaranteeing quick results using a product in the way it was meant to work! You can mix these toners in with your lighter formulas to add a custom hue to your color, example: adding rose gold for a bit more of a pinky tone to a lighter copper is a super fun option! (keep in mind mixing rations with developers since you are adding a “high speed” color to your formula, you may want to dilute with a little extra developer if this will sit for a while).
The reviews are in, Pulp Riot’s Faction8 hair color is absolutely amazing!
“I had always thought my platinum/silver dreams were unattainable until I switched to Mallory. She keeps my color looking great and I actually enjoy my appointments! When any of my friends ask where they should get their hair done, Mallory is my answer every single time.” – Jordyn Schara
“LOVE my new hair! Finally got up the courage to try some purple and its awesome! Thanks Mallory!” – Ally Becker
“I’m a natural brunette and Mallory has built such a beautiful blonde into my hair over time. Her approach is so confident, current, and dependable. I trust and love her so much.” – Sophia
“Her color is absolutely beyond what anyone else has ever been able to do for my hair. She is creative, thoughtful of your preferences and is gonna have you walking out with exactly what you wanted or better!” – Kathy Gajda
Look what others are saying about Pulp Riot Hair Color #MMCSTYLE