Men’s color, haircut and style by Mallory Cook of MMC Style in Madison, WI
A lot of men hear about their female friends or significant others going to spend a good chunk of time at the salon for color services, but it doesn’t even cross their mind that men’s hair color could be a type of service for them. They think women get to have all the fun and enjoy a couple hours of escape from life, while they themselves go in for the “usual” “number 2 on the side and longer on top” type deal. Well I have news for you guys, color services are for YOU as well, and you do have more than one option when it comes to color!
My male clientele, just like my female clientele, gets a scalp and neck massage at the shampoo bowl, any the same care that the appointment is about them, I’m not here just to rush through appointments and get people in and out monotonously. Not for guys, and not for women. Same for color appointments then, I will make sure to consult before we get started on what you’d like to achieve, and also give you any ideas of my own I may have for you if you’re looking for some advice. Here’s a couple of color methods I really enjoy for my male clients, and I think they really like too.
You’ll also get more than the quick 20-30 minute appointment with your stylist, call it your “forced relaxation” appointment if you so need. Guys need pampering and an escape from life too! And sitting an extra 45 minutes to an hour in your stylists chair can be a great way to get some stress relief from the everyday grind.
A dusting of lightness
Added in lightener (bleach) pieces by way of highlighting the hair in foils, or painting the product right on the hair is a really fun, simple way to update your look, looking like you just hit the beach. Or go bold and add in some platinum or silver light pieces for a very modern, cool vibe.
My male clientele, just like my female clientele, gets a scalp and neck massage at the shampoo bowl, any the same care that the appointment is about them, I’m not here just to rush through appointments and get people in and out monotonously. So the same is true for men as is for my female clientele, I will take the time to find what look you’ll feel good with and create a placement of the lightener that works with your style. This is also not like how you guys may remember from middle school or high school days of the guys rocking the yellow looking frosted tips. I know I as a stylist in 2019 have so much education at my finger tips and the availability of amazing products, I am sure to use a lightener that lightens your hair past that deep yellow phase, and then use a hair color as what’s called a toner to counteract any yellow tones left in the hair, and leave you with a nice, naturally sun kissed looking color, and at that point we could add in some cool silver, or even a daring slight shade of blue or anything else you may be feeling.
Blending Gray:
One of my favorite ways to blend grays for any client of mine is using a sheer coverage color. So a hair color that will cover some of your grays partially, and some more resistant pieces will remain gray (I also will leave out some grays if I want to make sure they’re not colored at all). Pulp Riot’s permanent color line Faction8 has the ability to be turned into a more sheer color, showing through what’s naturally beneath on your hair, but getting rid of just how much natural gray/silvers you have. A lot of my clients like this that are not ready to completely go gray yet, it’s an easy way to grow their hair out because there is not a harsh line of outgrowth when their hair starts growing after a color.
Covering Gray
This is pretty self explanatory, to my guys who don’t like your grey, whether you just don’t like how it looks against your skin, don’t want to feel it is aging you, or just plain old don’t like it, it is totally acceptable to cover it up. You can cover it with a color close to your natural, or even choose a new color a bit darker or slightly lighter than your natural for a new look. The nice thing about staying close to your natural is you don’t see the color growing out as severely, so you feel like you can make it through to your next haircut appointment before needing a touch-up.
Creative Coloring
While all of the previous methods are all creative coloring, especially if you’re in my chair. I love to come up with custom colors for all of my clients, I like it to have a tone or a hue you will not find on any of my other clients walking around!
But most people when speaking of creative coloring are talking wild colors, rainbow hair, or something very unique and eye-catching. For example a rooted section we bleach out and paint a rainbow on, some highlights we color violet, or a full head of rocker red hair. Is this loud creative coloring something you’ve ever considered, just been hesitant to pull the trigger? I’d love to hear from you and discuss how we can make this a reality for your hair, and fit it in your lifestyle!
Here’s an example of something you could come your hair one way to mostly hide, and then when you’re out and about could pop up and show off. Now you could keep this to one color if you choose, or even just a couple of your just! It’s all custom, learn to find pictures for inspiration, thinking about what you like and don’t like about any hair cuts and colors is what all tell all of my women, you, my guys, maybe haven’t heard this before. It sure will help give you some inspiration to maybe let yourself have some fun, and get to spend a little more you time in the salon!