I’ll be adding frequent posts about different hair products I love. I’ll include info on why and how to properly use hair care, hair styling and hair color products. I hope it inspires you to try something new. Stay tuned for more product spotlights / reviews.
Things to know about Vivid Hair Color Styles | #MMCstyle Salon
I got stuck in the world of loving vivid hair
Vivid hairstyles, also known as fashion colors, unicorn hair, crazy rainbow hair, and many, many other terms I’ve heard used. To start my love for this new world, I started by asking my fellow hairstylist Tanya Hawkins about dying my hair bright and funky colors. It all started at our previous salon in downtown Madison, WI…
Tanya specializes in many specialty and vivid colors(being a skilled colorist this makes sense), which are all the rage right now, and I got hooked, always working with her on what color was next for one of our after hours, late night hair sessions. From hot pink, to mermaid blues & violets, very briefly back to a ‘natural’ shade of blonde, rose gold, back to hot pink, and currently working towards a shade of a “berry good” blend of purple, and rosy peach, I’m hooked on having wild colored hair. However, because many of my clients and even I fell into it (not on purpose, but it is so addicting), there was some things I didn’t exactly know ahead of time that would have saved both me and my clients. So I asked Tanya, along with some other hair stylists we’ve had the pleasure working with, what clients typically don’t know when they come in wanting fashion colored hair. So if you’ve been thinking about diving into a full rainbow of color choices, get your notebook out we have some important topics to cover.
Why is rainbow hair color different?
To start, let’s go over what makes rainbow hair color unlike more natural shades you’d get your hair colored at any salon or maybe even in a box. According to Tanya’s words, to get vivid, bright, loud, or any combo of the rainbow hair color, you need to go through a different type of process from traditional hair color. Let this serve as a warning: additional steps and care are required!
For vivid hair colors to achieve bests results, it is best on to start on lighter hair, bleached blonde, pre-lit, lightened, pre-lightened or however you’d like to describe “very light hair color.” This is where many people who attempt to become a beautiful rainbow at home, make mistakes and/or ruin their hair. Luckily, there are some products that can make the lightening process safer, like Blank Canvas by Pulp Riot, which are truly only available through a licensed professional. At #MMCstyle Salon in Madison, we take the learning process seriously and our process will be done safely with a professional who has had the right training and continues to attend classes to extend the abilities. You may be saying “WHAT?! this is the greatest insurance policy ever” and you’d be right to do so, we take the worry and hassle off your hands.
However, more the just starting with a light hair color base, vivid colors are semi-permanent, which means they sit just at the surface of the hair. In addition to starting correctly, using proper hair care products applied correctly in the first place is so incredibly important! If you don’t start correctly, you will be washing your hair color down the drain along with more money to fix it, which leads us to our next topic…
It costs more
Oops, I spend much more on my hair since I started doing vivid colors than I spent on it before, but it’s for a tremendously good reason in my biased opinion. The time it takes to apply vivid colors is longer and takes expertise. “Lightening properly takes time and care,” Tanya agrees. “Not overlapping where bleach has already been applied in the past is also important to the health of your hair to help prevent damage and breakage.”
Typically, a few shades are used to add depth and dimension so that the end result doesn’t look flat or amateurish,” Tanya explained (another good reason to see a professional). “Placement takes thought and precision.” All in all, the vivid hair colors usually take a little longer overall and especially if you’re going for a layered look, more than one color, balayage, ombré, etc.
While vivid colors will cost more than your typical hair color, they don’t have to be outrageous and it all depends on your hair when you walk in for your appointment or can be discussed during your consultation prior to your appointment. When your hair is already light, their is the possibility of skipping the lightening process. If your hair is already dyed, on the other hand, Tanya said “you are looking at multiple visits to lighten your hair and then achieve the rainbow you desire. In some cases if the guest’s hair is box dyed at home we take even more time to lighten the hair since box color is harder to remove and the results from a lightening session cannot be guaranteed.” Seriously, in this situation, before your hair gets any further damage, leave it to the pros, judgement free and here to help…plus at #MMCstyle Salon, we don’t mind a challenge.
Get used to cold showers
The best way to save on your vivid color hairstyles staying bright and lasting much longer is to use cold water in the shower. We admit, it’s not the most fun, but it if you can use the cold water on your hair and then switch over…well lets just say this one takes a little practice but can pay off decent dividends, allowing you to stretch your appointments out a little further.
Warm water opens the hair’s cuticle, or top layer, and since vivid colors sits on top of the hair the more you blast that cuticle open with hot water the more color is also removed. Both Tanya and I stand firmly behind a great conditioning regimen to all our clients to help their colors last. Use conditioner and cool water as much as you like and try to use a shampoo much less, only a few (2) times tops during the week, you can still scrub your scalp with the conditioner to loosen grime and grease but it strips the color less and the cold water helps to keep the cuticle closed.
Tanya added that when you do shampoo, make sure to use one that is sulfate free and added that it’s important to “nourish the hair before and after the service. Rebuild the hair before you destroy it and once it has been damaged by a service, make sure you try to bring it back to good health with a good shampoo and conditioning regime.”
Some colors fade quickly
When I had my blue tips, it seemed like they faded way faster than my pink fades now. While I thought it might have been attributed to dry ends losing color faster, now that I have some new Deviant Purple from Pulp Riot in my hair now, I’ve was curious, will the new purple fade faster than some of the placed in. I asked Tanya, if she thought I’m crazy for asking.
Tanya reminded me “It all depends on the base of the color,” she said. “Colors like deeper pink or magenta usually have a red base which means they stain the hair more and hold longer. I would say deeper colors always last longer.” She told me that for Pulp Riot (the brand of vivid color she uses on my hair) they say that their darker jewel tones last up to 40 shampoos, whereas pastels last up to 20. “This all depends on the health of the hair,” Tanya cautioned. “And includes every time you rinse and do a conditioning cleanse.”
Tanya also noted that the way you’ve treated your hair in the past can impact fading. “If you are someone who has bleached your hair a lot, your color will also bleed out fast, so it will go from vivid to dull very quickly,” she said. It all boiled down to another 2020 reminder of even I, Mallory Cook, need to pay attention to my hair regimen.
Colors may last longer in winter
When winter rolls around, especially if you live somewhere like Madison, Wisconsin, you may notice that your vivid colors are lasting longer. No, I don’t mean because you can go longer without washing your hair since you’ll be wearing badger stocking hats and cheeseheads everywhere, including deep into to the playoffs hopefully (but there is that).
One of the things I always anticipated, but didn’t pay enough attention to, was how much impact the sun would have on my hair! Of course, I know that my hair lightens in the summer to give way to natural highlights, if and when I get out in the summer, but from summers past, I can attest I’ve come home with some extra blonde streaks in place of some of my pink and then I certainly realized just how powerful the sun is. That’s one reason (maybe the only reason) I’m looking forward to winter with shorter days and a weaker sun. This is, luckily, another one that’s not totally in my head.
As hairstylists, we definitely notice when the sun fades color faster, but using a leave in conditioner before exposure helps maintain the color better. Please be aware or pre-book more frequent color touch ups if you plan on being out in the sun a lot!
It’s time to give up white sheets and towels
This one’s pretty straightforward, but it’s worth mentioning because you really only think about it once it’s happened to you. Just like your hair will fade in the sun and water, it will rub off over time. With this in mind, you probably don’t want to spend your evenings on white sheets or dry off with white towels when your hair is pink or blue.
Tanya told me, “I always warn my clients but sometimes they tell me they have permanently pink pillow cases.” And this, my friends, is why when on vacation, I may be the one bringing my own pillowcase from home, usually placed nicely around my own pillow too of course.
It’s possible to keep your hair healthy
Lightening can certainly be hard on your hair over time, there are ways to maintain the health of your hair and your wallet, too. “If you treat your hair nicely at home, use the right products, etc. most of our mermaid clients come in for a lightening session at 8-12 weeks (which is typical of natural colors),” Tanya backs me up on. Also, in between appointments, many of our clients will schedule a vivid hair color refresh, where we can apply the fun colors over their hair as is and do not lighten. I can personally attest to this method as it’s what I’ve been doing as well (someone remind me after this that I’m due for a refresh).
Another option, if you don’t need your hair totally lightened and just want to remove some of your current color, is to use a color remover to remove old vivid’s. Tanya and I did this once on my hair when I wasn’t quite due for lightening, but when my color had faded more than usual and we wanted to “prep the canvas” a bit before adding the next round of vivid color. After using the color remover and adding another round of vivid colors, my hair color was more vibrant than if we had just layered fresh vivid’s on top, but I avoided the damage of bleaching again too soon. Not to crush over the point, but this is why seeing a professional is so useful, even to someone that may think they can do it just as well themselves.
Not all brands of color are created equal
“But wait,” I can hear you saying, “Why can’t I just go to my nearest beauty supply store and buy the same fun colors?” Aside from the issue of lightening the hair first, the kinds of colors available to the average consumer aren’t the same as what you’ll get in a salon. Higher quality salon brands use the best ingredients with the safest standards. They don’t stain the hair as much and are more naturally derived. They also are removed more easily and last longer. Cheaper brands often use metallic dyes which are more harsh on the hair and can be difficult to remove. Add many different allergic reactions possible to the mix and you’ll derive quickly to the answer that professional grade products are just plain better for you, along with being vegan, gluten-free and animal cruelty-free.
Why does removal matter? With vivid hair color it’s what you see is what you get. I always here Tanya explain, If someone’s hair is green and they want to change to red the stylist needs to think back to the color wheel and work with the pigment they see. Do you feel confident enough with your color wheel skills to alter the pigment in your hair appropriately when you want a change? I do, because I’m quite confident in my skills, but the many conversations between us both along with years of experience fixing issues always leads us down the road of at home coloring doesn’t make one feel very confident, so why worry?
Not all stylists are created equal
You want any specialist you see to be on the cutting edge of their craft, and vivid colors require just that. That’s why it’s important to choose a stylist who is continuing to learn. “It’s super important because in any fashion and beauty industry there are constantly new trends and styles,” Tanya said. Tanya and the rest of our hairstylists at #MMCstyle Salon attend formal education through our distributors and here at the salon along the color brands we use and their direct education in person and online. I also attend classes and seminars on my own, along with going to industry hair show on both coasts along with Chicago. The internet, and social media sites like Instagram in particular are changing the game, but also making it a little scary for just anyone to attempt a “how to” video, which we all agree shouldn’t be done for hair color, leave the “how to’s” to at home styling ideas.
However, before you could get education from attending a class from a product company where usually they just push their brand and their methods. Or by continually going to a huge show where there was little to no interaction with the other artists and more sales reps. Now most of the classes we schedule and attend we host or have fewer attendees, which makes for an intimate environment where we can all share from personal experience and learn new techniques.
Choose to go to an artist that is experienced and certified with the color line that they use in the salon so you know you are having someone work on you that knows the product line very well to avoid unnecessary damage and processes and will have your hair’s health in mind.
It’s addictive at every age
There’s just something about the way vivid colors make me feel the most like myself. It’s why I keep going back for more (and trying new colors). And I’m not the only person who has become addicted to fun, bright colored hair. Tanya said, “It’s super addictive. Once you get a taste and you realize how fun and low commitment it can be, you just keep wanting more. I have had many clients who start off wanting just some peek-a-boos underneath their hair, or even a single piece. And many of these guests are now full heads of vivids and have been for years.”
And if you think that vivid haircolor is just for young women (or those going through a midlife crisis), think again! I have had clients as young as 10 and my oldest over 80. Some switch it up every time, others have a signature shade, and most frequently me and my client will come up with a plan for transitioning their color every few months in order for them to get the best possible results when making a change and the most “oohs and ahhs.”
This trend isn’t going anywhere and it is becoming more acceptable to have these vivid hair tones in your hair! It can be so beautiful on people, the way the different color tones look against their eyes and skin. Trying on all different shades can be empowering and beautiful! If you’re in doubt, theirs no pressure, schedule a consultation, come in relax and we’ll come up with a plan unique to you and only you!
Join the unicorn club
If you’re looking for a change, either because you’re nearing one of those scary milestone birthdays or you’re just ready to try something new, vivid hair is a really fantastic option. It’s a collaborative process between you and whatever stylist you choose, so make sure you choose a good one (I count myself very lucky to have found Tanya as fortuitously as I did and super excited to have her working at the salon).
Each session really is like creating a work of art together. We talk about the long-term direction of my hair, where I’m hoping we can go in that day’s session, and then she takes my ideas and turns them into a vision, then turns that vision into reality, all while I coast through my phone or flip through magazines and Instagram pictures. It’s such an easy way to put a new spin on your look, make a dramatic bold statement, and express your personality. Plus, it’s a lot less permanent than getting a tattoo. So go ahead, join the vivid unicorn, mermaid, rainbow, etc hair club. It’s a lot of fun over here. Book Online Today.
WARNING – These looks “MAY” take 6+Hours, Multiple Stylists, Multiple Trips (or any combo of)
A few examples of what can be created and what you may envision…however, these are not made at home, not done quickly, not out of a box and all were perfectly taken pictures. At #MMCstyle Salon, we will create the right hair color style for your lifestyle, complete without filters.
- Published in Hair Color, Hair Products, Hair Salon, Men's Haircuts, Men's Hairstyles, Trending Hair Styles, Women's Haircuts, Women's Hairstyles
How to add soft curls and wave to mid length hair by Fatboy
How to add soft curls and wave to mid length hair using hot tools and Tousle & Go by Fatboy hair care
The “kinky wave” hairstyle using fatboy hair care products. This video will show you a quick “how to” for styling mid-length hair with curls for days! I love how effortless and undone it looks. Let me know what you all think?
When it comes to styling medium-length curls, it’s all about knowing your texture and figuring out how to make it work for you. Wearing your hair curly is not a singular style and there are countless hairstyles when creating curls. I’m a total advocate of letting curls roam free as they please, but may be some moments that I like to call on for a bit more creativity. For those looking for a bit of inspiration, armed with this video, a flatiron, and a little product that you’re definitely going to want to try.
Tousle & Go Texture Spray by Fatboy at #MMCstyle Salon
Part hairspray, part texturizer – all the grit, lift, and hold needed for an undone look that lasts with tousle and go texture spray.
Shake vigorously before each use. Spray wherever you want a bit of volume and movement. Tousle hair and repeat until the desired look is achieved.
When you want that pretty but gritty texture. Next day hair without the dirt or the wait.
A blend of Aloe and Zeolite give this texture spray the power of a dry shampoo, with the hold of a lightweight hairspray. Together, they work to absorb unwanted oils and balance the scalp while lifting and plumping the hair. Aloe also hydrates and smooths unruly strands into an intentionally messy look.
For voluminous hair, focus on the roots for a height boost and finish the mid-lengths and ends with an all over spray. For a natural, dirty texture: spray on wet hair, scrunch, tousle, and go.
- Published in Hair Products, Hair Salon, Men's Hairstyles, Trending Hair Styles, Women's Hairstyles
Our New Salon in Downtown Madison is OPEN!
Madison, WI, Release: July 6, 2020. For Immediate Release
#MMCstyle Misters – Madams – Misters – Salon announce that we are officially open for haircut and hair style services at our new location. The Madison based hair salon provides a range of professional hair and beauty services including specializing in hair color inside a large, welcoming, trendy and just simply fun to be at location on “East Wash”. #MMCstyle Salon opened it’s doors and started servicing clients for the first time on May 26th, 2020 as it also coincided with the first day of business return for salons in Madison.
For more information and to book services online, please visit the website here: https://mmcstyle.com/salon/
#MMCstyle Salon is a professional hair salon located on 1016 E Washington Ave, Madison, WI 53703. It is a local downtown hair salon that offers quality services including haircuts, hair styles, hair color, and skin services for anyone and everyone. The hair stylists at the salon vary in experience which helps our salon cover almost any territory. We strive for our salon and stylists to direct your custom requests or needs to a stylist / barber overly capable to provide an outstanding service. The team at #MMCstyle Salon also welcome groups such as date night / girls night hairstyle or hair blowout and bridal parties with space that can be arranged to accommodate. All #MMCstyle Salon’s stations easily move on wheels and you can enjoy a cold or hot beverage at the bar.
The salon specializes in creating custom hair styles and colors. The highly skilled team at #MMCstyle Salon can create any design and color scheme that their customers desire, hand painting color techniques including balayage, ombré, foilyage, highlights, babylights, combined with the perfect haircut is the target for our hair stylists. (client must have a consultation and understand the time and cost of proper hair color)
Our stylists use a range of skills they’ve learned through experience. The hair stylists at #MMCstyle Salon attend continual education, such as the popular Pulp Riot Faction8 Hair Color Line Classes. Each of our stylists work can be seen on their own pages here: https://mmcstyle.com or on their Instagram page here: https://www.instagram.com/mmcstyle/
Alongside #MMCstyle Salon’s haircut and style service, they also offer a range of skincare and grooming services, as well as a range of additional style products for everyone. Their product lines include Pulp Riot, Pureology, Redken, Fatboy, Baxter and Tecni-Art. Our top-flight service most often requested is custom hair color. Another service that is popular and our salon is fully-equipped for is Brazilan Blowouts, a service that has nothing to do with waxing and is everything an anti-frizz smoothing system for your hair.
#MMCstyle Salon’s additional hair services and treatments include: Haircut Consultation, Mister’s Haircut, Madam’s Haircut, Brazilian Blowout Consultation, Neutral/Mid-Length Haircut, Shampoo & Blow Dry Style, Bang Trim, Bang Trim, Eye Brow Wax, Lip Wax, Eye Brow & Lip Wax combo, Formal/Bridal Style Consultation, Formal/Bridal Style Consultation, Children’s Haircut (Under 9). They also offer color hair and treatment services that include: Hair Color Consultation, Mister’s (Short Hair) Color & Blow Dry, Mister’s (Short Hair) Color & Haircut, Single Process Color & Blow Dry, Single Process Color & Haircut, Partial Foil & Blow Dry, Partial Foil & Haircut, Full Foil & Blow Dry, Full Foil & Haircut, Balayage/Foilyage/Ombre & Blowdry, Balayage/Foilyage/Ombre & Haircut, Bleach Retouch, Tone & Blow Dry, Bleach Retouch, Tone & Haircut, Double Process Color & Blow Dry, Double Process Color & Blow Dry, Olaplex Treatment. Customers can also choose to book online with a service with the first available hair stylist or travel to each stylist’s services on their own custom page where some services may vary.
Those wishing to find out more about #MMCstyle Salon can visit the website on the link HERE or you can travel to our “What’s Trending” page HERE to see more articles written by myself and/or our stylists. We can also be contacted by phone at 608-630-2792.
Name: Mallory Cook
Organization: #MMCstyle Misters – Madams – Color – Salon
Address: 1016 E Washington Ave, Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608-630-2792
More reasons to love Pureology hair products
Pureology Hair Care and Style Products at #MMCSTYLE Salon
At #MMCSTYLE we really focus on the right style for your lifestyle, included in this is the correct product regime, which includes Pureology. We don’t just pick up our favorite looking, pretty, new product off the shelf. We choose our products based on experience, science, and brand trust to always give our clients the best.
Pureology is a favorite salon product line, because it deserves to be
Pureology is indeed a favorite hair care product line of mine and has been for over a decade now. Every single one of their products pack a punch with “multi-benefits” and their highly concentrated formulas. All Pureology products also use bottles that are 95% post-consumer recycled materials, AND they are 100% recyclable! Pureology NEVER tests on animals, EVERY product is color-safe and protecting, even the purifying shampoo which is rare in any cleansing shampoo. Another great feature is Pureology’s Anti-Fade Complex, which contains antioxidants and full spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen to protect hair and help maintain color between your visits.
A couple more key points to love Pureology:
- Pureology products are SULFATE-FREE! Their concentrated ZeroSulfate® shampoos use a mixture of corn, coconut and sugar for a gentle cleanse, without comprising your hair color.
- Pureology’s dual benefits formulas completely protect your hair and add a variety of custom care benefits dependent on the particular line you choose, for example, their smoothing, strengthening, moisturizing and volumizing.
- Each Pureology line has specific custom benefits with a unique aromatherapy fragrance to really elevate your experience in the salon, and you’ll love it at home when you’re showering either at the end or beginning of your day to help calm the senses!
Pureology cares about everything surrounding each product, their ingredients, the materials they use in packaging and possible environmental impact pre/post product use. Pureology plans out each of their product lines with their carbon footprint in mind to help sustain our environment for our planet.
- Pureology has managed to reduce the amount of water used in their manufacturing processes.
- Pureology’s bottles are made of 50% post-consumer recycled materials which are 100% recyclable.
- Pureology uses 50% post-consumer recycled materials for their printed / brand materials.
- Pureology uses a minimal amount of secondary packaging materials while using cartons made of 100% recycled fibers.
- Pureology now reduces the amount of energy they use to make each bottle.
- Pureology reduces waste during the filling / packaging process of their bottles.
- Pureology only uses FDA-Approved plastics for environmental safety and sustainability.
In summary, Pureology’s products are simply amazing, with super-concentrated quality, and is crazy GREEN with their production and materials they use in their company. Pureology continues to hold onto their values, delivering a very high value for their clients and themselves. It is more of enough reason for me to love Pureology Hair Style Products!
If you’re in the market for hair care or hair styling products, give Pureology Hair Care Products a try! During your next appointment, while we’re exploring what products fit your lifestyle, I may just pick out something from the Pureology line. If you hold similar values close to your heart, visit my Pureology product page to learn more or contact me, I’m always happy to talk about this amazing product line.
- Published in Hair Products, Hair Salon, Trending Hair Styles
The good, bad & ugly of Semi-Permanent Colored Shampoos & Conditioners
Let’s discuss the pros and cons of semi-permanent colored shampoos and conditioners
Fashion colored hair is all the rage right now, and using an at home semi-permanent shampoo or conditioner packed with your pick of fun color pigment may seem like an easy way to achieve a new look; not all home methods may be the right choice for you. Please note, none of these at home semi-permanent color choices will give you the guaranteed results that a salon and professional hairstylist will. Buyers must beware, and after seeing some good and bad experiences, I thought it may be nice to inform people of some of things to expect from trying these types of products at home. I’ll try to cover some facts on these for the good, the bad, and the ugly to help you make a decision on when methods may be right, or not right for you.
The good:
First of all, I am not here to trash talk these at home solutions for a fun color change, or up keep. I think it’s incredible to have the options we all now have at home to upkeep some fun fashion color, I’ve used some of them myself when whatever I had going on with my hair color warranted use (right now I have three drastically different colors in my hair, so now is definitely NOT the time!). I’m not going to get to brand specific here, just really here to inform how semi-permanent colored shampoos and conditioners work.
I love how after giving a client a great, professionally done bleach retouch, or highlight that we then cover with a fun vivid purple, or color of their choice. Afterwards, they can purchase a product they can maintain that color they fall in love with until they’re over it. Rather than it slowing fading away right away on them. It’s also an easy way for a red head or copper-top to keep their color vibrant between visits.
Another perk of these products, with advisement of your hairstylist, you can shift the color you have in your hair when you’re wanting a change. When I say shift a color, I mean using the color wheel to take what color is on your hair now then add a different color to it to create a whole new color. For example: you may have faded blue hair and want to go more green, adding some greenish yellow to your hair may help you achieve a cool new green color. I’ve done this myself with faded rose gold hair before, I used a pastel blue which turned a pretty violet color with my more faded ends being a slate blue color. Super fun, all I had to do was shampoo my hair to do it!
The bad:
Depending on the color you’re using, semi-permanent colored shampoos and conditioners can make a MESS of your bathroom, shower, your hands, towels, etc!!!! Colored shampoos, and generally anything with color usually contains direct dyes, reds, blues, purples, etc. any porous/absorbent surface will suck the color right up (your hair included, so beware when choosing a color if you’re someone who doesn’t like color too bold). I find it best to wet down every surface in the shower before even opening the bottle, and then when applying to hair applying very carefully, with gloves if using a darker color, and not whipping your hair all over the place.
If possible, while you leave products set on your hair for a few minutes, clip your hair up with a clip you don’t mind getting stained, and rinse all the excess color off of yourself, or you could end up looking like a mono-toned blue, crazy person! Proceed with rinsing again carefully, and rinsing excessively well, I like to hold my hair out from myself the best I can so that color goes straight to the drain.
The ugly:
If you’re someone who is just wanting to try some purple hair for a week, or likes to change your color often, semi-permanent colored shampoos and conditioners aren’t always as desirable as you think. This is especially the case for my bleached blonde madams, your hair tends to be more absorbent and will hold onto that color a lot longer than you think. These products are more of a color stain, they actually stain the cuticle of your hair, rather than just depositing pigment, which is why they don’t fade as well, and will not come out with a color remover or bleach.
I’ve also seen these semi-permanent colored shampoos and conditioners, after use, fade pretty ugly. Sometimes you could end up with a blue color that you didn’t realize had a green undertone to it, so it fades green, and I’ve seen that green stick around and not be able to come out. If this is something that’s happened to you, you’ll want to talk to your stylist about “shifting” your color, so applying a color next to that color on that color wheel that may be more desirable to you next.
Another ugly fact, if you are someone who doesn’t take enough time to work the semi-permanent colored shampoos and conditioners evenly through your hair, and rather may just slap it on, you WILL be able to tell! It will be a splotchy mess, sometimes it is better to take these products in for your stylist to apply for you during a service, this will guarantee the best result. Now I will say not all stylists are willing to do this, if they have products or color they’d prefer to use, make sure you ask before you assume they will help you so you aren’t disappointed.
My personal experience:
I’ve personally used and had luck with a few brands of semi permanent shampoos and conditioners. First of all, Arctic Fox is freaking amazing. Easy to apply, VIBRANT and bold colors, and from what I’ve seen fade quite quickly over previously bleached hair for a lower commitment option. Same as Overtone, I love how overtone for each shade has a pastel version, a vibrant version, and extreme, for whatever amount of color you want. With Overtone you get the most results out of the “Coloring Conditioner,” the daily shampoo and conditioner from them I don’t feel is necessary. I’ve also really liked Watercolor Shampoo by Tressa Professional. Because it is a shampoo it is so easy to lather and apply, let sit for a few minutes, rinse, and repeat if you want it deeper. I love that the colors start at pastel so you can ease into a bolder look.
Would you, or have you tried a product like any of these to get some fashion hair? What’s worked for you or what tips can you share that made the process better for you? Also, if you like keeping up with me “Mallory Cook” visit “what’s trending” below.
WHAT’S TRENDING- Published in Hair Color, Hair Products, Hair Salon, Trending Hair Styles
Try Something New With Your Hair This Fall
Fall Hairstyles with Mallory Cook at #MMCSTYLE
Looking to try something new with your hair do to change with the season, but not looking to do any drastic haircut or hair color change? You’re in luck! This falls hottest hairstyle trends are easy to accomplish with a simple addition of a hair accessory, slightly different method of drying, or simple placement of some pony-tail holders.
Hair pins on barrettes, on hair pins:
Stacking two identical barrettes next to each other is a way to elevate your pony, down style, whatever it is you’ve decided to rock that day in a matter of two snaps of a clip! You can also try mixing and matching some sparkly bobby pins around and next to your barrettes for an edgy, playful style.
Wanting something classier, cleaner looking? Just use one barrette! Simple, classic, beauty. Try a pearly, chunky barrette to pin back the front of your hair, especially in a bob styled haircut this is so chic.
Slicked back top:
Try an oil based product such as Fatboy Tacky Oil to execute this hairstyle. Whether you have curly hair or blow dry your hair smooth, put two – three pumps of the Tacky Oil in your hand, rub your hands together until you get a slightly tacky texture with the product and work through with your fingers from roots to ends, being sure to apply at the top of your hair just as generous as the ends. Position your hair all back and away from your face, you can secure with some clips/pins as you blow dry or air dry. Once your hair dries in position, remove pins, then you’ll want to use a strong hold hairspray. I like Fatboy Moldable Lacquer Strong Hairspray for this. It adds a nice amount of shine and hold. Then you may want to reapply some bobby pins but more hidden (or use some funky pins that you don’t mind showing) to hold your hair back in place.
Chunky headbands:
Hair accessories this season are all about making an impact, the bigger the piece the better it seems! This is such an easy, fun way to keep your hair out of your face, especially when styling your second day hair. Positioning the band right at your front hairline and slightly over the tops of your eyes give you a right off the runway, athletic cool girl look. This trend is really sweet for falls cooler, brisk weathered days. A headband would work great on your second day slicked back top hairstyle since your hair is already in the right position for the placement of the band! Or try it with some of your hair in front still out and forward for a very casual, lazy fall day kind of vibe.
Low side pony-tail and ballerina bun:
Back to my blog about the low styles. These are so simple to achieve, and create such a stylish, effortless look easily. You’ll even see Kim Kardashian rocking a low pony in a glamorous look! Tie your pony to the side just above your shoulders for a soft, sophisticated fall style! Pull off the same type of look with a low ballerina bun for a strong, boss lady look, pair it with some statement earrings and you’ve got yourself a polished look in no time at all.
Loose braids:
As seen on celebrities such as Margot Robbie, a few small loose braids channel back to the hippie 60’s and grungy 90’s styles and are a super easy DIY hair do. Just separate a couple of small sections in the front of your hair. Loosely braid and secure with a clear elastic. Voila!
Partly pinned back:
A center part has made such a strong comeback on and off in the past years. For those who have struggled with not liking the look here’s a fun way to put a fresh spin on it. Get your center part in place and ready, then brush and pin back the front on both sides behind your ears. You can use a couple of bobby pins behind your ears in an “X” formation to hold. Then feel free to have fun with any statement pins or pretty barrettes to accessorize if you’re feeling fancy!
These fall hairstyles have me even more excited for fall then any pumpkin spice latte could make me! I’ll be trying them all, let me know if you have questions or want to try one out with your next appointment at MMC Style!
- Published in Hair Products, Hair Salon, Trending Hair Styles, Women's Haircuts, Women's Hairstyles
Hair Accessories To Elevate Your Hairstyle
A couple simple ways you can add some “style” to your “hairstyle”
I don’t know about you, but I am obsessed with the overabundance of hair accessories/hair bling I’ve been seeing all over my Instagram and Pinterest feeds in all kinds of hair styles right now!
From every occasion, every hair style hair accessories across the board are being utilized to add style. Scrunchies, sparkly bobby pins, glittery words on pins, pearly clips, chains in pony tails, and headbands with every type of finish, I can’t freaking decide what to choose! That being said… I recently totally splurged on some mykitsch.com accessories, and I’m obsessed!
Fashionable fun:
There’s no such thing as overdone anymore. If you’re a Bravo reality TV fan like myself, you recently at least saw some snippets of Dorit, of Real House Wives Beverly Hills, with her insane amounts of glitzy clips covering her head that looked amazing with her overall sparkly, glam look! But for those of us who aren’t stepping over the fashion boundaries, a more subdued look is easier to wear, and can elevate a look for a night out of any kind! Check my selfies here, I was not ready to be about to go out in either of these, but having fun playing with these clips from mykitsch.com.
Hair Braids:
I’m loving the braids hair stylists have been showing off with string or some kind of chain intertwined. Cuffs and charms are another thing that I’m seeing and you can be so creative with these. Even digging out some old jewelry you don’t wear anymore is an option for this!

Hair Braids & Accessories
Head banded hairstyle:
Thanks to a variety of options, it’s easy to have “lazy day” hair, and make it look totally stylish. Headbands can be used around your head, tied around a pony, and you can even tuck your hair around the bottom to make it look like a sweet up-do done in a few minutes.

Headbands – Mallory Cook
Headband Hairstyles
Everyday messy ponytail or bun hairstyle:
With a scrunchie, or some kind of fun glittery clips or pins to hold messy hair in place. It’s easy to throw your hair up now and have a passable hair style for the office, or any kind of professional, polished setting with these accessories. Try some dry shampoo, such as Pulp Riot Berlin Dry Shampoo, for some extra volume before pulling your hair back. Then finish with some Pulp Riot Los Angeles to add texture and gently pull hair at the base of your head from your pony tail holder to create a tousled up style. Finish with your favorite hairspray like Pulp Riot Zurich for a flexible, medium hold.

Messy Ponytail look
I know there’s a million ideas out there for fun, unique, and different hairstyle accessories. What’s your favorite accessory for your hair? I’d love to hear about it!
- Published in Hair Products, Trending Hair Styles, Women's Haircuts, Women's Hairstyles
Hair Product Spotlight: Pulp Riot Liverpool & Glasgow
2019 Hair Product Spotlight by Mallory Cook of MMC Style
Discover Pulp Riot’s new launches and best sellers right here in Madison, WI. In the interest of full disclosure, I do sell professional hair color, hair care, and hair styling products here on my website.
In continuation to a previous post all about Pulp Riot Munich hair serum and Toronto firm hold hairspray, I’ve picked another couple of favorites to write about. The next two: Pulp Riot Liverpool root lifter and Glasgow sea salt spray. Now that summer is over, I’m feeling hair products that are going to provide volume, as well as a strengthening hold to combat the drier air that is to come.
Pulp Riot Liverpool:
Pulp Riot Liverpool is a root lifter that is an easy to apply, spray in foam. While your hair is damp, lift your hair up around the top of your head and crown area and spray, focusing on the root area. Gently massage in and then style as usual. I have had a lot of success using this on fine and coarse hair, it offers a lightweight voluminous effect without getting sticky. I love even after a couple of days of styling hair with Liverpool the hair is still lightweight and airy feeling. Sometimes what I will suggest with second or third day hair is to just add a bit of water to the root area on the top of your head and re-blowdry style quick. It nicely reactivates the Liverpool in the hair for an extra day of wear.
You can purchase off my website for in store pickup at the time of your choice, with your next appointment, or have it shipped to you.
PurchasePulp Riot Glasgow:
Pulp Riot Glasgow is a sea salt spray with multiple hair styling attributes. It adds texture, volume and has a light hold. I love to recommend this for clients with natural curl, or who like to curl their hair often, as well as for my short hair cut clients for added volume and texture. Not only does this product smell amazing, it also has sea salt and sea kelp extract which helps promote naturally healthier and stronger hair. Styling your hair and taking care of it at the same time? Sign me up! Glasgow can be applied to damp, and/or dry hair and will also add in enhancing natural curl, great for my curly girls in the winter whose curls get lazier in the dryer air.
Check Glasgow out on my store, and check out the other new Pulp Riot products available for sale through me!
Purchase- Published in Hair Color, Hair Products, Hair Salon, Men's Hairstyles, Trending Hair Styles, Women's Hairstyles
Salon’s…let’s try starting with a nice greeting.
What should you expect when walking into a Salon?
In the salon industry, even in small metro areas there is a salon, salon and spa, salon suites, etc on every corner. Because of this, clients have come to expect much more of the “VIP” or “ME DAY” salon experience over just receiving the service alone. From the initial greeting to their close out, there’s many steps we need to cover along the way to make sure our guests want to come back. I believe anyone working in a salon or for themselves in a salon suite should take note. You’re never too cool to greet your clients with an amazing attitude and service.
Start with the right salon greeting.
Starting with a pleasant “hello, welcome, or a GENUINE how are you?” Goes a long ways, and is something that is so surprising people are missing the mark on. Then taking the moment to find out who they are, are they checking in for a service, are they trying to buy product or looking for info. Then still making them feel welcome, giving them a tour, while along the way showing how you can service them in many ways better than the next salon down the street. Offer them a drink, have plenty of options for everyone, even dare I say an adult beverage such as a glass of wine or a beer from a local craft brewery (obviously only offer this to those you know are of age).
In short, make them feel important! Acknowledgement includes: handshakes, hugs, salutes, funny cheek side to side kissy thing…it’s all what makes you and your client comfortable immediately. No matter what they’ve walked in the door for.
TRAINING is Necessary!
Whatever your processes you have in order for how your guests are talked to and sold to on the phone, how their handled in person, to the order of things taken care of when you’re checking a client out, EVERYONE needs to be on the same page in your salon. This isn’t taking away their ability to be personable, it’s making sure one guest isn’t getting offered up more of a greeting, making sure you don’t have a staff member just offering every single person discounts in order to be able to sell, etc.
Everyone should have the same knowledge, integrity, and respect for your business and your customers. This makes for an experience that your guests come to expect, and you want to make sure every single visit you and your staff are knocking those expectations out of the park, not just getting lazy because “oh this client has already been here a few times, we can drop the ball.”
Think about the day your client may be wishing for.
Our clients schedules are packed with responsibilities and activities for others almost every day of the week. Without them scheduling time for themselves they may continuously wait for a time when things are less hectic or when they have achieved all of their goals. But such a time may never come, so help them plan a me-day ahead of time and put it in your schedules together. Make your clients day special, make it an easy decision to schedule their follow up appointment, try a new hair product or even put in a drink suggestion for next time (and write this down in your notes). Simply put, make an effort, this appointment is for them and not for us.
Keep me on my toes.
Please share with me other experiences you, as either a provider, or a guest in a salon or spa, have either wanted improved, or totally loved. You can share any questions you have about why things have been done a certain way during any part of a service you’ve received in a salon or spa. I’d love to keep posts like this coming, it not only helps me stay on my game, it helps my industry as a whole, hold ourselves to higher standards and be able to prove our worth to our clients.
Smooth Hair Year Round – Pureology Smooth Perfection
One of my most consistent, favorite go to hair product lines for hair care has been Pureology. I love that the whole Pureology line focuses on colour care and hair protection. Specifically, Pureology Smooth Perfection has been the answer to my client’s and I’s issue with hair fuzziness! Not only does it make styling hair easier, it keeps your hair style intact through humidity, wind, heat, and the dryness of winter in Wisconsin.
Pureology Smooth Perfection Shampoo & Conditioner:
For frizz prone hair, this duo of shampoo and conditioner not only smells great, it also gets a great silky, lather in the shampoo, and the conditioner is nice and thick but easy to spread throughout your ends. They deliver camellia oil and Pureologys exclusive Thermal Antifade Complex®. These ingredients help to make ease of blow dry hair styles, fight frizz, and improve manageability for a perfect blowout.
Leave in Hair Styler Treatments:
- Smooth Perfection Style & Care Infusion: A two formula product, which one looks cool in the bottle, and two really makes you feel like you’re getting your bang for your buck with a two in one product. This features a smoothing styler along with a leave-in-conditioner. It leaves your air smooth while still moving like natural, soft hair. It’s amazing, and great for someone who likes to just do a quick blow dry hair style and be out the door!
- Lightweight Smooth Lotion: This is one of my favs, it has heat protection, is truly lightweight so even my fine haired guests love it, and it has lasting frizz and flyaway control. This lotion has coconut oil as well to help with smoothness in your hairstyle. This one you’ll want to apply to wet hair and blow dry in, as a hot tip you can use a small amount on dry hair to re-smooth any stubborn frizz for the ultimate frizz control.
- Smoothing Serum: I love this for my curly or wavy girls for so many reasons. This serum just like the lotion has heat protection, so it’s got you covered no matter how you want to wear your hair. It works great to apply in and let air dry while keeping the hair looking so controlled, but nice a natural at the same time. Or you can blow dry this in for a nice, sleek blowout that will hold through the weather outside while your hair feels great all at the same time. This one too can be applied to dry hair as well for added sleekness after styling or drying.
The Pureology Smooth Perfection line is really a good one for anybody who struggles with frizzy, flyaway-ish hair! It makes styling so much easier, and with multiple options for leave in products, just about anyone can pick one of these for their desired hair style results.
Here’s a quick video of my hair using Smooth Perfection Lightweight Smoothing Lotion. I applied the lotion to my wet hair before blow drying, blow dried quickly and then flat ironed. After finishing all of that I applied about a pea size of the lotion to my ends and worked up a little bit to the roots. You can see in this video my hair is flexible and smooth, I love the way the Lightweight Smoothing Lotion feels and makes my dry, naturally curly hair look!
Which Smooth Perfection product do you think is right for you? Feel free to leave a comment below or schedule a hair consultation or hair care product consultation here.
- Published in Hair Products, Hair Salon, Men's Hairstyles, Trending Hair Styles, Women's Hairstyles
Brazilian Blowout: The Original
To my Midwest women and men that love your hair all winter long because the dry air doesn’t trigger your frizz. Then come spring the second a bit of moisture and heat hits the air you don’t even want to style your hair, all you can do is tie it back, cover it with a headband or some kind of scarf. I have a solution to all of your hair frustration prayers! The Brazilian Blowout.
Ready for Frizz Free hair this summer with a Brazilian Blowout?
If you haven’t heard about a Brazilian Blowout at all, or if you have heard it mentioned and thought at first it sounds like something related to a waxing service, you are not alone.
The Original Brazilian Blowout has nothing to do with waxing and is everything an anti-frizz smoothing system for your hair. In fact, it’s the only hair smoothing treatment that is asked for by it’s actual name. It has been the most consistent smoothing system around our industry that I have seen in my over 10 years of doing hair.
What I mean by anti-frizz smoothing system:
It’s not a “straightener” or “relaxer.” It is a customizable treatment, which improves the condition of the hair through technology that creates a protective protein layer around your individual strands of hair. This leaves you with frizz-free, smooth hair that has the most amazing shine you’ve ever had.
Why I choose to offer and always recommend the Brazilian Blowout over any other smoothing system:
My favorite observations with Brazilian Blowouts on my own hair and my guests:
- Hair is so flexible, more so than usual, it doesn’t get stiff like a relaxer or other treatment. I end up walking around at home shaking my head around singing “I whip my hair back-and-forth!”
- When the Brazilian Blowout is done right after a color service, it really helps lock that color in and adds a ton of shine into an already vibrant color. It creates stunning results, and really elevates how the color and hairstyle looks.
- Hair dries so quickly and styles easily with a Brazilian Blowout. The Brazilian Blowout smooths down the cuticle (outside layer) of your hair strands, so you can blast the water out of your hair very quickly, and a quick blow dry hairstyle is made totally possible!
The more technical perks to the Brazilian Blowout that make it superior to other similar treatments:
- It is customizable, which really makes it unique to your desired results, hair type, and what you like to wear for an everyday hairstyle. If you like to wear your hair curly, you can diminish your frizz; therefore, defining your curls and having worry free styling. You can have some volume left around the top, or choose to go really nice and sleek (and everything in between).
- It works for all hair types, making anyone with frizzy hair a great candidate. Regardless of if you have curly, kinky, straight, or a nice beach wave to your hair, the Brazilian Blowout will wipe out your frizz and keep it smooth even on the most humid days!
- If you’ve ever had a Keratin, another type of smoothing system, or thought about one, you’ve heard the 72 hour rule. Meaning there is NO washing, NO tucking, NO bobby pins, NO putting your hair up, pretty much NO living your life when it comes to your hair for 72 HOURS! With Brazilian Blowout there is none of that, you could go workout with your hair in a ponytail right after receiving a treatment, then go shower and wash your hair off immediately after, amazing!
- All it takes is about an hour and a half of your life for super simplified styling and frizz free hair for up to 12 weeks!
- Unlike relaxers, straighteners, and keratin treatments (which are another smoothing treatment), Brazilian Blowout does not leave a line of outgrowth as your hair grows in. It gently fades off the hair, and even what’s left on because it’s such a natural looking treatment, someone looking at you cannot see a line of where it starts or stops.
You can set up an appointment with me today to either have a consultation to ask any other questions you may have, or to make sure the Brazilian Blowout is right for you (I can almost 100% guarantee it is right for anyone looking to eliminate frizz), or go ahead and book your Brazilian Blowout right here:
Book Online
Product Spotlight: Pulp Riot Munich & Toronto
2019 Hair Product Spotlight by Mallory Cook of MMC Style
Discover Pulp Riot’s new launches and best sellers right here in Madison, WI. In the interest of full disclosure, I do sell professional hair color, hair care, and hair styling products here on my website. I picked a duo of products by 2019’s hottest new hair styling brand, Pulp Riot Munich & Pulp Riot Toronto. These styling products are versatile and can work for anyone with any hair type to pull off a smooth, polished hair style, enjoy!
Pulp Riot Munich:
Pulp Riot Munich is a hair serum, it can be used as a blow dry serum to add some nice slip to the hair so it blow dries with ease and smoothness when paddle or round brushed, or it can be air dried into curly hair with your favorite curly product for extra frizz control. It can be applied to dry hair after styling to smooth down fly-aways and add shine. I have dry, frizzy hair myself, I’ve added a picture below which shows my beach-curled hair style looking smooth, and fly-away free! It’s very lightweight, so for my fine haired gals & guys this is a serum that will not weigh your hair down.
You can purchase off my website for in store pickup at the time of your choice, with your next appointment, or have it shipped to you.
Pulp Riot MunichPulp Riot Toronto:
Pulp Riot Toronto is a firm hold hairspray, it locks out humidity, and no matter how many layers applied it will not get flakey in the hair. I layered it over Munich in my hair for this picture, I love that even though it’s a firm hold hairspray, the hair still moves and bounces like hair, but is controlled in the hair style you want.
Check Toronto out on my store, and check out the other fun Pulp Riot stylers available for sale through me!
Pulp Riot Toronto
These are two really great products that can work for just about anyone and many different kinds of hair styles.
Check Back For More Product Spotlights
I’ll be adding frequent posts about different hair products I love. I’ll include info on why and how to properly use hair care, hair styling and hair color products. This not only helps educate and remind myself of how each product works, but I hope it inspires you to try something new. Stay tuned for more product spotlights / reviews. Please contact me for any specific hair care products you’re curious about!
- Published in Hair Products, Trending Hair Styles, Women's Haircuts, Women's Hairstyles
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